API Documentation

API reference for the module.

Table of Contents


Spike related measures and conversions, available in the measures sub-module.


Measures for spike data.

compute_firing_rate(spikes[, time_range])

Estimate firing rate from a vector of spike times, in seconds.


Compute inter-spike intervals.


Compute coefficient of variation.


Compute the fano factor of a spike train.

compute_spike_presence(spikes, bins[, ...])

Compute the spike presence across time bins.

compute_presence_ratio(spikes, bins[, ...])

Compute the presence ratio for a set of spike times.


Conversions between spike representations.

convert_times_to_train(spikes[, fs, time_range])

Convert spike times into a binary spike train.

convert_train_to_times(spike_train[, fs, ...])

Convert a spike train representation into spike times, in seconds.

convert_isis_to_times(isis[, add_initial, ...])

Convert a sequence of inter-spike intervals to spike times.

convert_times_to_counts(spikes, bins[, ...])

Convert spikes times to counts of spikes per time bin.

convert_times_to_rates(spikes, bins[, ...])

Convert spike times to continuous firing rates.


Measures for working with circular data.

bin_circular(data[, bin_width])

Bin circular data.


Measures related to trial-epoched data.

compute_trial_frs(trial_spikes, bins[, ...])

Compute continuous binned firing rates for a set of epoched spike times.

compute_segment_frs(spikes, segments)

Compute firing rate across trial segments.

compute_pre_post_rates(trial_spikes, ...)

Compute the firing rates in pre and post event windows.

compute_pre_post_averages(frs_pre, frs_post)

Compute the average firing rate across pre & post event windows.

compute_pre_post_diffs(frs_pre, frs_post[, ...])

Compute the difference in firing rates between pre & post event windows.


Measures that can be applied to collections (groups) of neurons.

detect_empty_time_ranges(all_spikes, bins[, ...])

Compute the empty time ranges that are common across a collection of recorded neurons.

find_empty_bins(all_spikes, bins[, time_range])

Find empty time bins across a collection of recorded neurons.

find_empty_ranges(bin_emptiness, bins[, ...])

Find empty time ranges based on time bin emptiness for a collection of recorded neurons.


Objects for managing spike-related data, available in the objects sub-module.


Unit([uid, spikes, channel, region, cluster])

A Unit object.


Session([subject, session, task, units])

A Session object.


Functionality for processing spatial data, available in the spatial sub-module.


Measures and methods related to distances.

compute_distance(p1, p2)

Compute the distance between two positions.


Compute distances across a sequence of positions.

compute_cumulative_distances(position[, ...])

Compute cumulative distance across a sequence of positions.

compute_distances_to_location(position, location)

Compute distances between a sequence of positions and a specified location.

get_closest_position(position, location[, ...])

Get the index of the closest position value to a specified location.


Measures and methods related to speed.

compute_speed(position, timestamps[, ...])

Compute speeds across a sequence of positions.


Measures and methods related to computing spatial occupancy.

compute_bin_edges(position, bins[, area_range])

Compute spatial bin edges.

compute_bin_assignment(position, x_edges[, ...])

Compute spatial bin assignment.

compute_bin_counts_pos(position, bins[, ...])

Compute counts per bin, from position data.

compute_bin_counts_assgn(bins, xbins[, ...])

Compute number of counts per bin, from bin assignments.

normalize_bin_counts(bin_counts, occupancy)

Normalize bin counts by occupancy.

create_position_df(position, timestamps, bins)

Create a dataframe that stores information about position bins.

compute_occupancy_df(bindf, bins[, minimum, ...])

Compute the bin occupancy from bin-position dataframe.

compute_occupancy(position, timestamps, bins)

Compute occupancy across spatial bin positions.

compute_trial_occupancy(position, ...[, ...])

Compute trial-level occupancy across spatial bin positions.


Measures and methods related to place cell analyses.

compute_place_bins(spikes, position, ...[, ...])

Compute the spatially binned spiking activity.

compute_trial_place_bins(spikes, position, ...)

Compute the spatially binned spiking activity, across trials.


Measures and methods related to spatial target cell analyses.

compute_target_bins(target_frs, bins, xbins)

Compute binned firing based on spatial target.


Measures and methods related to computing spatial information.

compute_spatial_information(bin_firing, ...)

Compute spatial information.


Utilities related to spatial data.

get_position_xy(position[, orientation])

Get the x & y data vectors from a 2d position data array.


Compute the number of bins for a given bin definition.


Compute bin width from a set of bin edges.


Compute the range of positions.

convert_2dindices(xbins, ybins, bins)

Convert a set of 2d bin indices into the equivalent 1d indices.

convert_1dindices(indices, bins)

Convert a set of 1d bin indices into the equivalent 2d indices.


Functions to check data and arguments to spatial related processes.


Check a position array.

check_bin_definition(bins[, position])

Check a bin definition for binning spatial data.


Check computed bin widths for a set of spatial bins.


Statistical analyses, available in the stats sub-module.


Statistical generators.

poisson_generator(rate, duration[, start_time])

Generator function for a Homogeneous Poisson distribution.


Statistical measures for trial-epoched data.

compute_pre_post_ttest(frs_pre, frs_post)

Compute a related samples t-test between the pre & post event firing rates.

compare_pre_post_activity(trial_spikes, ...)

Compare pre & post activity, computing the average firing rates and a t-test comparison.

compare_trial_frs(trials1, trials2)

Compare binned firing rates between two sets of trials with independent samples t-tests.


Methods for shuffling data.

shuffle_spikes(spikes, approach[, ...])

Shuffle spikes.

shuffle_isis(spikes[, n_shuffles, start_time])

Create shuffled spike times using permuted inter-spike intervals.

shuffle_bins(spikes[, bin_width_range, ...])

Shuffle data with circular shuffles of randomly sized bins of the spike train.

shuffle_poisson(spikes[, n_shuffles, start_time])

Shuffle spikes based on generating new spike trains from a Poisson distribution.

shuffle_circular(spikes[, shuffle_min, ...])

Shuffle spikes based on circularly shifting the spike train.


Methods and measures related to permutation statistics.

compute_surrogate_pvalue(value, surrogates)

Compute the empirical p-value from a distribution of surrogates.

compute_surrogate_zscore(value, surrogates)

Compute the z-score of a real data value compared to a distribution of surrogates.

compute_surrogate_stats(data_value, surrogates)

Compute surrogate statistics.


Methods and measures related to computing ANOVAs.

create_dataframe(data[, columns, dropna, dtypes])

Create a dataframe from an array of data.

create_dataframe_bins(bin_data[, ...])

Create a dataframe from an array of binned data.

fit_anova(df, formula[, feature, ...])

Fit an ANOVA.


Functionality for simulating spiking data, available in the sim sub-module.


General simulation functions.

sim_spiketimes(spike_param, duration, method)

Simulate spike times.

sim_spiketrain(spike_param, n_samples, method)

Simulate a spike train.

sim_trials(n_trials[, method, time_pre, ...])

Simulate a collection of trials.

Spike Times

Simulate spike times.

sim_spiketimes_poisson(rate, duration[, ...])

Simulate spike times based on a Poisson distribution.

Spike Trains

Simulate spike trains.

sim_spiketrain_prob(p_spiking[, n_samples, ...])

Simulate spikes based on a probability of spiking per sample.

sim_spiketrain_binom(p_spiking[, n_samples, ...])

Simulate spike train from a binomial probability distribution.

sim_spiketrain_poisson(rate, n_samples[, ...])

Simulate spike train from a Poisson distribution.


Simulate trial-structured data.

sim_trials_poisson(n_trials, rate_pre, rate_post)

Simulate a collection of trials, based on a Poisson spike time simulation.


Simulation related utilities.

apply_refractory_times(spike_times, ...)

Apply a refractory period to simulated spike times.

apply_refractory_train(spike_train, ...)

Apply a refractory period to a simulated spike train.


Functions in the plts sub-module for visualizing spiking data and related measures.


Plots for spike data.

plot_waveform(waveform[, timestamps, ...])

Plot a spike waveform.

plot_waveforms3d(waveforms[, timestamps])

Plot waveforms on a 3D axis.

plot_waveform_density(waveforms[, ...])

Plot a heatmap of waveform density, created as a 2d histogram of spike waveforms.

plot_isis(isis[, bins, range, density, ax])

Plot a distribution of ISIs.

plot_firing_rates(rates[, ax])

Plot firing rates for a group of neurons.


Plots for spatial data.

plot_positions(position[, spike_positions, ...])

Plot positions.

plot_position_1d(position[, events, colors, ...])

Position 1d position data, with annotated events.

plot_position_by_time(timestamps, position)

Plot position across time for a single dimension.

plot_heatmap(data[, smooth, ...])

Plot a spatial heat map.

plot_trial_heatmaps(trial_data, **plt_kwargs)

Plot spatial heat maps for a set of trials.

create_heatmap_title(label, data[, stat, p_val])

Create a standardized title for an heatmap, listing the data range.


Plots for visualizing task structure.

plot_task_structure([task_ranges, ...])

Plot task structure with shaded ranges of event durations and lines for point events.

plot_task_events(events[, ax])

Plot task events.


Plots for trial-epoched data.

plot_rasters(spikes[, vline, colors, ...])

Plot rasters across multiple trials.

plot_rate_by_time(bin_times, trial_cfrs[, ...])

Plot continuous firing rates across time.

create_raster_title(label, avg_pre, avg_post)

Create a standardized title for an event-related raster plot.


Plots for statistical measures and methods.

plot_surrogates(surrogates[, data_value, ...])

Plot a distribution of surrogate data.


Basic plot function for different data types.

plot_lines(x_values, y_values[, vline, ax])

Plot data as a line.

plot_scatter(x_values, y_values[, ax])

Plot 2d data as a scatter plot.

plot_points(data[, label, ax])

Plot 1d data as points.

plot_hist(data[, bins, range, density, ...])

Plot data as a histogram.

plot_bar(data[, labels, add_text, ax])

Plot data in a bar graph.

plot_barh(data[, labels, add_text, ax])

Plot a horizontal bar plot.

plot_polar_hist(data[, bin_width, ax])

Plot a polar histogram.

plot_text(text[, xpos, ypos, show_axis, ax])

Plot text.


Helper functions to annotate plot axes.

color_pvalue(p_value[, alpha, ...])

Select a color based on the significance of a p-value.

add_vlines(vline[, ax])

Add vertical line(s) to a plot axis.

add_hlines(hline[, ax])

Add horizontal line(s) to a plot axis.

add_gridlines(x_bins, y_bins[, ax])

Add gridlines to a plot axis.

add_vshades(vshades[, ax])

Add vertical shade region(s) to a plot axis.

add_hshades(hshades[, ax])

Add horizontal shade region(s) to a plot axis.

add_box_shade(x1, x2, y_val[, y_range, ax])

Add a shaded box to a plot axis.

add_box_shades(x_values[, y_values, ...])

Add multiple shaded boxes to a plot axis.

add_dots(dots[, ax])

Add dots to a plot axis.

add_significance(stats[, sig_level, x_vals, ax])

Add markers to a plot axis to indicate statistical significance.

add_text_labels(texts[, location, axis, ...])

Add text to the side of a plot.


Helper functions for managing plot style.

drop_spines(sides[, ax])

Drop spines from a plot axis.

invert_axes(invert[, ax])

Invert plot axes.


Plot related utilities.

check_ax(ax[, figsize, return_current])

Check whether a figure axes object is defined, and define or return current axis if not.

save_figure(file_name[, file_path, close])

Save out a figure.

make_axes(n_axes[, n_cols, figsize, ...])

Make a subplot with multiple axes.

make_grid(nrows, ncols[, title])

Create a plot grid.

get_grid_subplot(grid, row, col, **plt_kwargs)

Get a subplot section from a grid layout.


Utility functions, in the utils sub-module.


General utilities for basic data types.


Flatten a list of lists into a single list.


Convert all strings in a list to lowercase.

select_from_list(lst, select)

Select elements from a list based on a boolean mask.

count_elements(data[, labels, sort])

Count elements within a collection object.


Combine a list of dictionaries together.

add_key_prefix(indict, prefix)

Update keys of a dictionary by appending a prefix.

drop_key_prefix(indict, prefix)

Update keys of a dictionary by dropping a prefix.

relabel_keys(indict, new_keys)

Relabel keys in a dictionary.

subset_dict(indict, label)

Subset a dictionary based on key labels.

check_keys(indict, lst)

Check a dictionary for a set of keys.

listify(param[, index])

Check and embed a parameter into a list, if is not already in a list.


Utilities for working with arrays of data.

make_orientation(arr, to_orientation[, ...])

Check and make sure a 2d array is in a specified orientation.


Compute the range of an array of data.

smooth_data(data, sigma)

Smooth an array of data, using a gaussian kernel.


Drop any NaNs values from an array.

permute_vector(data[, n_permutations])

Create permutations of a vector of data.

assign_data_to_bins(data, edges[, ...])

Assign data values to data bins, based on given edges.


Utilities for extracting data segments of interest.

create_mask(data[, min_value, max_value])

Create a mask to select data points based on value.


Create a mask for non-nan array elements.

select_from_arrays(mask, *arrays)

Select the same set of elements from a collection of arrays.

get_range(data[, min_value, max_value, reset])

Get a specified range from a vector of data.

get_value_range(timestamps, data[, ...])

Extract data and associated timestamps for a desired value range.

get_ind_by_value(values, value[, threshold])

Get the index for a set of values closest to a specified value.

get_inds_by_values(values, select[, ...])

Get indices for a set of specified time points.

get_ind_by_time(timestamps, timepoint[, ...])

Get the index for a set of timepoints closest to a specified timepoint.

get_inds_by_times(timestamps, timepoints[, ...])

Get indices for a set of specified time points.

get_value_by_time(timestamps, values, timepoint)

Get the value from a data array at a specific time point.

get_values_by_times(timestamps, values, ...)

Get values from a data array for a set of specified time points.

get_values_by_time_range(timestamps, values, ...)

Extract data for a requested time range.

threshold_spikes_by_times(spikes, ...)

Threshold spikes by sub-selecting those that are temporally close to a set of time values.

threshold_spikes_by_values(spikes, ...[, ...])

Threshold spikes by sub-selecting based on thresholding values on another data stream.

drop_range(spikes, time_range[, check_empty])

Drop a specified time range from a vector spike times.

reinstate_range(spikes, time_range)

Reinstate a dropped time range into an array of spike times.


Utilities for working with timestamps.

compute_sample_durations(timestamps[, ...])

Compute the time duration of each sample.


Infer the time unit of given time values.


Convert time value(s) from milliseconds to seconds.


Convert time value(s) from seconds to minutes.


Convert time value(s) from minutes to hours.


Convert time value(s) from milliseconds to minutes.

convert_nsamples_to_time(n_samples, fs)

Convert a number of samples into the corresponding time length.

convert_time_to_nsamples(time, fs)

Convert a time length into the corresponding number of samples.


Sum the total amount of time defined by time range(s).


Create a timepoints definition for a set of time bins.


Split a time value from seconds to hours / minutes / seconds.

format_time_string(hours, minutes, seconds)

Format a time value into a string.


Utilities for epoching data.

epoch_spikes_by_event(spikes, events, window)

Epoch spiking data into trials, based on events of interest.

epoch_spikes_by_range(spikes, start_times, ...)

Epoch spiking data into trials, based on time ranges of interest.

epoch_spikes_by_segment(spikes, segments)

Epoch spikes by segments.

epoch_data_by_time(timestamps, values, ...)

Epoch data into trials, based on individual timepoints of interest.

epoch_data_by_event(timestamps, values, ...)

Epoch data into trials, based on events of interest.

epoch_data_by_range(timestamps, values, ...)

Epoch data into trials, based on time ranges of interest.

epoch_data_by_segment(timestamps, values, ...)

Epoch data by segments.


Utilities for working with trial-level data.

split_trials_by_condition(trials, conditions)

Split trial data by condition label.

split_trials_by_condition_list(trials, ...)

Split trial data by condition label, for trial data as a list.

split_trials_by_condition_array(trials, ...)

Split trial data by condition label, for trial data as an array.

recombine_trial_data(times_trials, values_trials)

Recombine data across trials.


Utilities for helping with running analyses.


Create a list of all methods.


Utilities to check for basic properties of data / inputs.

check_param_range(param, label, bounds)

Check a parameter value is within an acceptable range.

check_param_options(param, label, options[, ...])

Check a parameter value is one of the acceptable options.

check_param_lengths(params, labels[, ...])

Check that a set of parameters have the same length.

check_param_type(param, label, types)

Check that a parameter has an acceptable type.

check_list_options(contents, label, options)

Check a list of values that each element is one of a set of acceptable options.

check_array_orientation(arr[, expected])

Check the orientation of an array of data.

check_array_lst_orientation(arr_lst[, expected])

Check the orientation of arrays in a list.

check_axis(axis, arr)

Check axis argument, and infer from array orientation if not defined.

check_bin_range(values, bin_area)

Checks data values against given bin edges, warning if values exceed bin range.

check_time_bins(bins[, time_range, values, ...])

Check a given time bin definition, and define if only given a time resolution.


Utilities for managing random state.


Set the random seed value.


Set the random state in a RandomState object.